Consign high-quality outdoor gear and clothing in Saskatoon.

Looking to sell quality outdoor gear you’re no longer using? Here’s a quick guide to consigning with Life Outside Gear Exchange.

1. Select Your Gear:
Bring in clean, gently used outdoor items that are still in good working condition, clean and modern. We focus on gear that our customers can count on for their next adventure, and quality brands that last. 

2. Drop Off:
Visit us during store hours—no appointment necessary on our 3 consignment days: THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAYS.  Our team will review your items, enter them into your online account where you can see how we research, label, price and sell your things! It is an honest, transparent and straightforward process. We do the work for you!

3. Earn from Your Gear:
Once your items sell, you’ll earn a percentage of the sale price. All our percentages are listed clearly under "how to consign" on our website. Choose e-transfer/cheque or store credit, and always make 10% more on your earnings when you use store credit. 

Consigning with Life Outside is a straightforward way to keep quality gear in circulation. Let us help you get started—feel free to reach out with any questions.

If you live outside of Saskatoon, mail us your items, and we will pay for half of the shipping, and do the same intake process when your things arrive!

Any further questions? text or call us 306-371-5779 or shoot us an email at

The Life Outside Gear Exchange Team